Potty training can seem daunting. Is my child ready? Am I ready? Where do I even start? So many questions and the vast Internet that is full of different methods, ideas, and tips. When my toddler started telling me her diaper was dirty, I knew it was time, but I had no idea where to begin. I did some research and combined a few different styles and tips to get to the 3 day potty training method that worked for us. 

The most important thing to remember is that potty training is a process, young kids don’t always recognize when their bodies need to go; therefore, you should expect accidents to happen. 

Czy oni są gotowi?

Wondering if your little one is ready for a crash course with this 3 day potty training method? before deciding to start potty training look for signs of readiness:

Your child tells you they have a dirty diaper
Your child seeks privacy to pee or poop in their diaper (going into another room, a corner, or behind the couch)
You child tells you they need to go 
You ask and they are excited to learn to use the potty

Walk through the 3 Day Potty training Method

Prior to Day 1

Before you start your 3 day potty training marathon, there are a few things to think about. first off, pick a long weekend where you can be at home with your child every day. You must have 3 days in a row for this method to work so parents who work will want to take Friday or Monday off or shoot for a holiday weekend. 

If you are somehow currently going alone to the potty, tell me your secret! but also, start taking your toddler with you so they know exactly what happens on the potty. 

Once you’ve decided to potty train them and you’ve picked a weekend, take your child to the store to pick out underwear. This is a great way to get them excited to potty train. They can pick out their favorite characters or colors. 


While at the store, pick up a small potty or a potty seat (the kind that sits on the regular toilet) and a step stool. Your child will probably be too small to fit on the toilet, you’ll need a seat for them to feel comfortable on in order to learn to go. 

Rookie mom Tip: purchase some pull-ups or pee pads for bedtime, young kids often have trouble making it through the night, especially if they are still drinking milk before bed.

Lastly, make sure all adults in the house are onboard. This is only going to work if everyone does their part. everyone should be supportive and not negative or angry if the child has an accident. got relatives who think you’re trying too young? Don’t invite them over this weekend. best friend thinks you’re being overly ambiguous and can’t wait to see this train wreck? Sorry, not invited over to see it. 

Rookie mom Tip: You and your partner can take shifts or both be involved all day but it’s important that your child learns to go with either parent and not just one specific one. 

Day 1 of the 3 Day Potty training Method

When your child wakes up, immediately change them out of their diaper and in to their new underwear. Some people like to let their toddler run free (no diaper, no underwear) but if it’s a cold month, or your child is like mine and doesn’t like not having something on, go ahead and put their new undies on them. 

Give your child water, juice, or milk frequently throughout the day, I’m talking every time you notice their cup is empty, fill it up. every time they have a drink, set a timer for 20 minutes. When it goes off, take them to the bathroom and let them try to pee. As the day progresses, your child will start to recognize the feeling of needing to use the potty.

If your child has an accident, do not scold them. simply tell them in a neutral voice, “You didn’t make it to the potty so now you have to help me clean up this pee.” Make sure you have them help so they realize the consequences of not making it to the potty. 

When you start your bedtime routine (and you plan to let your toddler sleep in underwear), do not give them anything else to drink and have them try to go right before bed. 

Rookie mom Tip: If your child responds well to praise and rewards, have a potty chart. every time they use the potty they get a sticker to mark their chart and get to eat three M&Ms. 

Day 2 of the 3 Day Potty training Method

The second day of the 3 day potty training method is pretty much a repeat of Day 1. You should repeat the steps, make sure you are giving your toddler drinks all day and asking them to go to potty every 20 minutes. Remember, if your child has any accidents they must help clean them up. If your child has wet the bed, have them help you remove the sheets and put them in the wash. 

Rookie mom Tip: Some people want to go out and do activities, this is fine but remember you need to encourage your toddler to use the potty every 20 minutes and some toddlers may not like using a public restroom. expect accidents and be prepared with extra underwear anD ubrania.

Dzień 3 3 -dniowej metody treningu nocnika

Gdy dotrzesz do trzeciego dnia 3 -dniowego treningu nocnika, wróć do dania napojów maluchów, ponieważ normalnie je mieliby. Pamiętaj, aby poprosić swojego malucha o próby nocnika 20 minut po wypiciu jakiegokolwiek rodzaju. Nie zniechęcaj się, jeśli nadal mają wypadek tego dnia. Maluchy wciąż uczą się, jak się czują wrażenia, a trening nocnika nie jest łatwy. Pamiętaj tylko, aby być neutralnym, jeśli mają wypadek i upewnij się, że pomogą to wyczyścić.

Połowie snu: podciągnięcia lub bielizna

To, czy zdecydujesz się umieścić swojego malucha w podciągnięci lub bieliznę, to osobista decyzja. Niektórzy ludzie chcą pociągnąć za noc za wszystko od samego początku, podczas gdy inni idą w etapie. Zdecydowaliśmy się na etapy, ponieważ było to najlepsze dla naszej córki. Wciąż próbowaliśmy ją odstawić z filiżanki mleka przed snem, kiedy trenowała ją nocnik i wiedzieli, że nie przejdą przez całą noc. Dopiero prawie 6 miesięcy później, kiedy w końcu zejdzieliśmy z mleka przed snem, zaczęła spać w bieliźnie.

Jeśli nie masz pewności, co wybrać, zapytaj swojego malucha, jak się czują.

Wskazówki dotyczące treningu nocnika w ciągu dnia 3

3 -dniowe szkolenie nocni pomoże dziecku opanować podstawy, ale nadal będą rzeczy, nad którymi musisz popracować.

Upewnij się, że masz malucha próbuje używać nocnika za każdym razem, gdy wychodzisz z domu
Zawsze przynoś wiele zmian ubrań i bielizny, w tym zmiany ubrania dla siebie. Nie mogę powiedzieć, ile razy siusiłem na spodnie i musiałem tam usiąść, podczas gdy mój maluch dostaje czyste ubrania.
Pamiętaj, że negatywne reakcje na wypadki powstrzymają Twoje dziecko, nie zachęca ich.
Wierz w swojego malucha. Nie mogę tego wystarczająco podkreślić. Jeśli dasz im dobre wzmocnienie i zachowujesz spokój z wypadkami, będziesz zaskoczony, jak szybko ma małe dziecko.

Powodzenia w następnym etapie niezależności Twojego malucha! Jest słodko -gorzki, gdy się starzeje, tęsknisz za rzeczami, ale szczerze mówiąc, muszę jeszcze przegapić zmianę paskudnej pieluchy.

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